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4:00 PM

9.2 mi


10:03 mi


151 bpm
161 bpm


73 F


COMMENTS: Schedule- Tempo run 7 w/5@9:07

I decieded to just make it 9 at a moderated pace. Felt good most of the way. I could feel what I think was the IT band on both knees tighten at various times. At the end the right one had a burning sensation. Feels fine now at 20:45. Tomorrow usually tells the story. had my right shoe come untied at about 1.5 miles. First time this has ever happened. Glad it was early. Its hard to get going once you stop running. Had 2 bottles of P-ade at various times usually taking 1/2 bottle at a time. Weight was 158 after a bagel and some more P-ade. I would like to get to 155 for the half marathon.

cal- 1410
