Jogging: Default Previous Next


4:30 PM

5 mi


4.79 mi / hr


149 bpm
170 bpm


96 F
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COMMENTS: Looks like 96 deg is too hot to do 5 miles. I was determined to keep the HR below 160 and tried to stay in the mid 150's. At 2.5 miles is a hill and I had to walk up it to stay in the low 160's. The second 2.5 miles included lots of walking because when my HR would come down while walking it would shoot up as soon as I started running. It was just too hot no matter what the pace. I had a 10:30 pace for the first 2 miles but couldn't keep the HR down even at that pace. So I logged this one as jogging so it wouldn't affect my avg running pace. Finished 3 bottles of G-ade before I finished the run.

zone 5- 10:46

cal- 1002

I changed it to "Running" to keep track of the milage and used "Jogging" as the workout to help me remember why the time was so slow.
