Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


2:30 PM

9.1 mi


9.19 mi / hr


127 bpm
172 bpm


68 F
  • Map



The whole day didn't go as planned. Suppose to go to North Wilksboro and ride some of the trails. I wanted to ride the Warrior Creek trail especially with the race there in a couple of weeks. People started backing out one by one and Ryan and I decided not to go as well. Never mind the temp was in the low 30's with ice on the car when we got off work. Went home with intentions of riding the WWC about 10 or 11. Set an alarm which didn't go off due to operator error. Woke up at 2 and Ryan had left a message on my cell that they were riding at 2:30. Scurried out of the house and got there in time. Did one lap which was enough for me. Felt like crap most of the time. I just felt loose and all over the place. Rode OK I guess. Ryan's friend Joe is also a climber but this was his first time at the WWC so we were taking it easy.

cal- 1027

zone- 7:18

max- 22
