Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:00 AM

10 mi


65 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


I ran from home to Hardscrabble to 120 to McKesson Hill to Lawrence Farms to Old roaring brook road to HG through town to Kipp to CST. When I got to Lawrence farms I started a small workout that included 15 minutes at tempo, about 2 minutes active rest, 3 minutes a little faster than tempo, about 2 minutes active rest, and then 2 minutes even faster than before. The workout actually felt pretty good, though I need to start getting back into these. I was able to maintain what felt like a solid pace for all three pieces, but it's hard to really judge (I ordered a new GPS watch yesterday though so that should come soon). Effort-wise though I'm happy with where I am right now and everything felt good. Minor hip pain in the beginning but that went away as I got going.
