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13.5 mi


8:09 mi

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<No name>


Run at Sugar Bottom with Nutmeg. I know Nutmeg's GPS watch said much slower than this but I don't feel like it was any different from Beverly yesterday (maybe slower to start, but probably faster to finish). So I'm going to just put in distance based off of the same pace. I may just target putting in 8-8:30 pace on trail runs no matter what the actual pace was (Trail Badger Miles) just to keep my log somewhat consistent.

In terms of the run, I felt really good throughout. A bloody nose at about 1:15 in made for an interesting mile as we went back to the bathrooms, but I got it under control and still felt fine going back out for another 30 minutes. I was very tired the rest of the day but 3 days of trails along with 2 nights of putting in flooring at the in-laws has been a pretty solid few days of work. The best part is that my knee has felt strong throughout.
