Run: Long Previous Next


12 mi


6:50 mi

  • Map

<No name>


Run from the trail on my own. I decided to mix it up a little and went down 42nd to Edgewood. My plan was to just do 7 and possibly do a time trial tomorrow morning. But Brittney had recently told me she had something scheduled in the morning and it was sounding like a time trial would be hard to fit in. Anyway, after adding on to the Edgewood bridge for 7 I decided it was time to turn around since going to the other side of the river would be at least 11 miles. After turning around for a minute or two I decided I was feeling really good and a long run sounded like a good plan. So I turned back around planned on a long run. I ended up feeling really good for the rest of the run. Far better than I did for 10 on Wed. I even got rolling pretty good by the end and felt like I could still pick it up or even go further if needed.
