Run: Long Previous Next


12 mi


6:15 mi

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<No name>


Longer run on my own at lunch. It started to rain about a half mile into this run. It was cloudy to the east but the sun was shining on me. Nevertheless, I got poured on for about a mile and then it stopped. So I got to run about 10 miles soaking wet. My legs had no pop for the first half of the run but I still got into a really good rhythm on the way back. I never felt really strong but I tried to increase the pace most of the way back. The couple of miles were definitely sub 6 by a fair amount. My knee still feels sore but it didn't really change throughout the run. I really noticed it early on, then is subsided and then it came back after I stopped. Now it feels fine sitting at work. Overall it felt like a really good run. My legs are feeling tired though.
