Run: Tempo Previous Next


12 mi


6:30 mi

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<No name>


Run with Nutmeg on the bike path. This was the same route as the long run with an intentional tempo thrown in. Neither of us was very motivated for a workout and I favored the longer slower workout compared to really short fast pieces. We got started after about 3 miles of warming up. It didn't feel that comfortable to start but after a couple of miles it started to feel better. Then we turned into the wind and it was cold. A little uphill after the turnaround had my glute very tight for the next couple of miles but I got back into a groove on the downhill and rolled along. I finally felt like my stride became really smooth and my breathing relaxed around 5-6 miles. The next 2 miles were the best feeling miles of the tempo. Then the last mile just kind of fell apart, actually it might have just been the last half mile. Once we got near the parking lot I must have just given into fatigue because I felt exhausted. Finished another couple of minutes to get 9 miles of tempo and it felt terrible. I'm not sure what to make of this workout. I never really felt like I needed to stop but I think I felt better on the long run which wasn't at that much slower of a pace. Maybe it is just dipping down under 6 minute pace that is hard for me. Or maybe I just chalk it up to being ready to be done when I get close to the parking lot. Still a good workout but it doesn't really help provide more confidence than the long run did.
