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7:30 AM

13.1 mi


6:18 mi


49 F
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NYC Half

Definitely took it easy in the park. I hit that grating at 88th St and just put the hammer to the floor. Literally just flew down 7th Ave, across 42nd, and down the West Side Highway. Just catching person after person. Settled into a good little pack around 9. Almost caught Renock and Jordan in the last mile. Might actually consider running this again next year....maybe.

A lot of hard work and complaints (mostly to my sister) went into this. It's weird I thought I would be happy. I was but now that endorphins have worn off I'm just kind of depressed about it. After applying some thought to average is 6:17...why not 6? That bothers me. And then of course I wish my dad was here. Always a tough pill to swallow after races like this, but my mom AND HER sister and my sister came. They even made it mile 12 just in time to see me blow by. I was glad they could be there for that especially since my sister listened to my complaints the last 3 months.

All my friends are out drinking beer and celebrating, and until this morning I hadn't had a beer in a month...literally. And I had just one. I don't know I've noticed that drinking less is correlating to running faster. Maybe because it goes along with late nights and terrible foods but either way it's working. It kind of makes me feel isolated from my friends/teammates. Truth, though, they know this theory so....yea I don't know where I was going with that.

...annnnddd I'm pretty sure I should write in my training log somewhere so here's to copy paste...

Training Plan Entry


13.1 mi

NYC Half
