Run: Easy Previous Next


4 mi


9:39 mi

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<No name>



0.5 -- 04:52 -- 04:52

1.0 -- 04:47 -- 09:39

1.5 -- ????? -- ????

2.0 -- 09:42 -- 19:21

2.5 -- 04:46.66 -- 24:08

3.0 -- 04:48 -- 28:56

3.5 -- 04:48 -- 33:45

4.0 -- 04:48 -- 38:33

damn, that's consistent splits!

pretty rough today. legs felt fine pretty much, nothing really hurt per se, just felt horrible. such a massive grind. Oh well. I got through it.

Thanksgiving plans have been changed. I was going to run with my uncle on Friday, but I won't be with them on Turkey Day after all (long story). So I'm not sure I'll be running this Thursday/Friday. Plus New England is supposed to be getting a ton of snow, not sure how safe running would be...

I'll bring my shoes anyway, might get to go for a run with my other uncle. But I'm assuming it won't be happenin'. Oh well. Maybe it'll be best to just rest up before my mock-5K on Saturday/Sunday.
