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7:44 AM

17.1 mi


8:22 mi


160 lb
154 bpm
176 bpm


65 F


7 / 10
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18 Willow Hilsborough Amsterdam Amwell Woods Township

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Alright. That is more like it. No question what's going on here. In one word, weather. Definitely makes me feel a bit more confident. I'm not all the way back to where I want to be, but this was way encouraging. I purposely did the same run as last Sunday where I totally bonked. I haven't checked, but I believe that my average HR was similar for that run even though I was so much slower. I probably went a bit too hard here, but I was excited to keep it under 8 minute pace for the remainder of the fast portion. Using that cool feature where you can change the split distance, I averaged 7:55 for the last 8 miles before the cool down mile. Although I was pushing pretty hard at the end I was still feeling pretty strong as compared to how badly I was fading last week. I don't know if I could have kept it up for 3 more miles for a fast finish 20 miler, but its possible. If I had to start tapering now and this was my last workout, I would probable go for 8:10 pace for the marathon. But I still have 4 more weeks to improve before then and one more fast finish 20 miler in 2 weeks.

I wanted to add that I had 2 GUs at mile 5 and 10 and that seemed to work out well. Because of the low temps, I still had about a quarter of my water left as well. Love the fall!



Holy sh!t dude, what a run! I thought I had hit the throttle a little on the 2nd half of my run this morning, but you were drinking jet fuel! Very impressive and obviously a morale booster from last week, nicely done. Ladies and gentlemen, the Russian Runner just dropped the malatok!!