Run: Easy Previous Next


11:18 AM

4.2 mi


8:40 mi


162.5 lb
135 bpm
145 bpm


62 F


3 / 10
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5 Up and Back Hudson River Greenway

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Nice low HR today :) This was a true recovery run. This is the most excited I've ever been about such an easy run. It looks like my fitness is finally starting to improve. I may do intervals tomorrow. Possibly Wednesday if I'm still feeling a bit sore.



Nice and consistent on all of your miles D. I love how you only have an effort listed of 3/10, and still averaged 8:40 miles. That is so cool. I am super happy that you are starting to see some solid results...I know you were getting frustrated there for a little bit. Keep up the good work, and don't forget about rest days! You deserve them every now and then. :)


Way to start mixing in the speed stuff bro. I'm with Joe and inspired that your "true recovery" runs are just above my race pace. Thanks for pacing me on those fartleks on Saturday. I'm sure I wasn't going to be able to do that alone. Can't wait to run again together.