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1:00 PM


123 lb
  • Exercises


I'm too tired to write down everything I did, it was a less intense day than yesterday, seeing as I was in a considerable amount of pain, but intense nonetheless. Started with a 10 minute warmup on the elliptical, then I did some stretches, and then COMPLETE TORTURE!!!!! It was essentially taking a rolling pin to my muscles haha. They have like this really dense foam cylinder, and you put it under the part of your muscle that's tight, and then prop yourself up on your arms so all your body weight is resting on that muscle and your arms, and then you roll on it. It was okay for my calves and hamstrings, but OH MY GOD when I rolled over and did my quads it felt like I was rolling over a bunch of MARBLES imbedded in my muscle!!! And what's worse is Sarah's like "Does that hurt? GOOD! Hold on that spot for 30 seconds!" I was almost in tears it hurt so bad. But it really does work. I was a lot less stiff afterwards. Then I did mostly ab and lower back work, with like 15 different variations on crunches (most of them 3 sets of 20), and then stretched some more. This whole time we're talking about my eating habits, which was somewhat enlightening, since I don't think much about eating. But when it comes down to it, she said it sounds like I only eat about 1000 calories a day, which is a major problem that I need to take care of. She said that is most likely at the root of all my problems right now, because my body is just giving up, whether I'm ready to or not. I just can't imagine eating three to four times the amount of food I eat now, I just have no appetite whatsoever. And it's been like this since I got that bad case of food poisoning the second week of May, which is probably why my running went into decline about July, because my muscles just got to the point where they started eating themselves. The strangest thing is that I've had a noticable weight gain. Which doesn't make any sense at all. But nothing makes sense, so I guess confusion is the new comprehension. Oy vey.
