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2:50 PM

1.5 mi


9:32 mi


70 F


Yeah, so that didn't go over too well. Whatever they did at physical therapy to my foot really screwed it over. And telling me to tape is doesn't seem like it's making it any better. Like, I got to the soccer field, and my foot just started like spasming and then I got like this charlie horse in my foot and it won't go away, and I can't like massage it out, and yeah, it hurts really really badly. And we won't even mention the hips. And then on top of all this the fact that I didn't eat anything today, plus the week of sleep deprovation, and yeah, my body just basically said "to hell with you" and gave up. So I'm going to take a bit of a break. I need one. I really really do. It sucks, because I'm burnt out and it's only the third week of school. Go figure.
