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9:29 AM

30 km


7:56 mi


186.2 lb
164 bpm
178 bpm
44 bpm


-2 C


8 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

689 / 4488 (15.4%)
79 / 242 (32.6%)
576 / 2394 (24.1%)

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Feels like -9C to -3C. Wind E 26-33km/h. Humidity: About 50%.

Started my day like any other long run. Got up, got dressed and headed downstairs to get a bite to eat (Gatorade, coffee, oatmeal w/ blueberries, almonds, raisins, bananas, cinnamon, brown sugar and honey). Left to pick up Kelly about 7:10. Got to her place just before 7:30. Drive to Hamilton was uneventful. Neither of us seemed particularly nervous. Both a bit concerned about the wind. Parked on a side street and made our way to meet everyone at the Sheraton. Chilled there for a bit. Headed to the start line around 9:15 for the 9:30 start. Managed to duck in right near the front and behind the lead pack. Gun goes right on time, and we're off. I lose Kelly immediately and won't see her until the end. The only person I see that I know in the early going is Bernie. Go out faster than I wanted to but feeling good. Pretty consistent through the first 5K. Avoid the first water station. This is the longest and quite frankly most boring part of the run. An awful part of Hamilton. The turn on Woodward takes us out of the headwind. Pass the first of three relay exchanges. Think about using the facilities but the line is too long. Go through 10K pretty fast (48:XX). Oh well. All systems go. Take my first gel around the 11K mark. Cruise along Beach Boulevard and remark to another runner how nice is to be out of the wind. She replies 'Fucking A'. This makes me laugh a bit. See Cindy at the 15K mark (relay exchange). 16k turns out to be my fastest as we go over the lift bridge and down a slight incline under the Skyway. I see the sign for Northshore. Familar territory. I make the turn after 17K. Feeling pretty fucking good. Drop my hat and vest with Tom, Holly and Sylvia. Get a bit of a lift from seeing some familiar faces. More cheering spectators along this section. Great crowd support. Working hard through the hills. Training has paid off. I lose no significant time through here and pass tons of runners/walkers. A bit aggravated by the walkers two/three abreast. Puffing a bit on the way up to Plains Road. Turn onto Spring Garden and pass the Royal Botanical Gardens. Again, great crowd support. An organized cheering section at the 25K mark. Awesome. Reminded me of the Tour de France as the riders go up the Alps and Pyrenees. Only wide enough to run through with fans (?) patting you on the pack and yelling encouragement. Pass the fellow playing 'We Will Rock You' by Queen and get a high five, right before the Valley Hill. Last major obstacle on this course. Card a 5:00 km at 26K, so managed the hill just fine. Now I am on auto-pilot to the finish and acknowlege to myself for the first time that I am going to break 2:30. Holy shit! Never in my wildest dreams. High Five the Grim Reaper (seriously, a guy dressed as the Grim Reaper complete with scythe!). Get a look at Copps. Good crowd. A few hundred meters to go, down the ramp, turn right and into the arena, down the shoot and here John Stanton call out my name. DONE! Wow. What a race. Almost a full 26 min. better than last year.

Gun time: 2:28:02.8, Chip time: 2:27:51.5

Splits: 48:45 (10k), 1:13:31 (15k), 1:37:49 (20k)
