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2:51 PM


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<No name>


Got myself a stress fracture. Couldn't really do much for a week. Set up the trainer in my apartment back at school. It's much better than the gym because of the fan/climate control/netflix ability/setup with food, phone, books, etc. But it's uncomfortable. My back and spine are going to feel it. Anyway, I ambitiously set out for 80 minutes for my first ride back, and then did 86. Saddle sore and high HR, but felt strong enough. Going for some huge hours these next several weeks. Watch says my HR was high throughout, average 168 lol. Out of shape. It also says I burned over 1,200 calories, which would be insane for this short of a ride. Also says HR climbed to 199 by the end of it. Probably inaccurate. But a good workout nonetheless. Gotta lose some weight but not get overtrained. Lots of work to do.
