Run: Easy Previous Next


3:45 PM

5.2 mi


7:14 mi


66 F


Good run with Josh. My shin felt the same as yesterday so I'm not worried. The pace was decent again as we went around 2:05, 2:03, 2:01, 1:59, then mostly 1:57s. When he stopped, I started doing 1:54ish. Did 19 laps and the GPS had the distance and pace as listed. It says the field is .27 miles, which is awesome. I was slightly worried it would be less. But this means my paces are quicker than I thought! Dope. Josh peeled off at around 25 minutes so I finished solo. I felt pretty good, not quite as good as yesterday. Afterwards I did 4x20 second strides, working on form and getting my leg under me as I land. Made a video and it's hard to tell, but it looks a little better. I also think I just need to be running with a higher cadence to reduce impact. Lots to work on, but I'm fit already. Should be all set by December if I stay injury-free.
