Run: Easy Previous Next


3:00 PM

6.5 mi


7:06 mi


55 F
  • Map

<No name>


We had today off of school, but we still met at 3 at Hadley Field. Nice run w/ Coach, Punger, Willie, Collin, Jonesy, and William. I felt really solid for about 3 miles, then it got a little more difficult. Punger and Willie, took off, and Collin eventually caught up to them. I dropped back to run with coach and Jonesy. Jonesy then dropped off (exactly like the run on Saturday). Me and coach are both pretty excited for the state meet. I was initially thinking about making an early move a half mile in to break as many people as possible, but we decided that my sit and kick strategy has been working throughout the year, so why change it. I'm thinking about making a move after we get up the last major ascent, 3/4 of a mile from the finish. It's going to be an exciting race. Anyway, the rest of the run was pretty good, except for the big, steep hill we had to hit at the end. Coach and I are both excited about my running career so far. At the very end of the run, my foot started to kill! It didn't let up the whole ride home, and I had to ice it when I got home. At the time of writing (2 hours after the run) it still hurts... Not good.
