Run: Long Previous Next


9:30 AM

9.4 mi


7:05 mi


55 F
  • Map

<No name>


Awesome long run w/ Coach, Collin, Jonesy, Punger, and Willie. William was out as well, but he ran a different loop, so we had all the comrades today. Collin and I did the pace-setting most of the way. It was a tough run for coach, so we made him feel it ;). The run was quite hilly, with 663 feet of elevation gain. Jonesy fell off the back after about 5 or 6 miles. I felt strong after 40 minutes, but on the dirt road hill (the final hill) Collin made a move and Punger went with him. I could have responded, but I would have had to dig pretty deep, and with a week to go before states, I wasn't going to do it. Willie went by himself, and I went back with Coach and Jonesy. Me and coach then dropped Jonesy, and Collin ran back past us to run with him. So Punger and Willie came in ahead of Coach and myself. It wasn't too fun after 8 miles, but it is nice to have it done. We ended up running a pretty solid overall pace, despite the hills, not to mention it was the perfect weather to run in. Excellent day running-wise!
