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8:39 AM


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Solid morning in the pool. Super sore so just planned a recovery jog and hoped my knee could handle it. Well once I got going I felt strong and my knee didn't bother me, so I put in a moderate effort. Actually set another PR on laps. Did 14 and went through 13.5 in 29:24, jogged the last one. Closed in 4:05 for the last two. I'm so much stronger and more aerobically powerful than I've ever been. It'll be a transition back to running but I'll be a monster once my running legs come back. Averaged 150 HR for this. Quads destroyed afterwards so probably going to take the rest of the day off to fully recover. Yesterday was an extremely hard day and I did squats for the first time in a while. Probably put in some long easy stuff tomorrow.
