Run: Easy Previous Next


3:15 PM

6 mi


7:40 mi


76 F
  • Map

Uhart Fields


Sooo fired up for this run on a beautiful early fall day. Didn't feel too good though! Ran with Josh one loop around campus, then hit the fields for some soft surface. Laps were quick; 1:56 to 2:01. About 1:58 avg probably, not counting the last two; 1:50/1:44. Hammered a bit as I was excited. I might want to ease off on that. I'll call this run 7:40 pace, but we probably averaged a bit faster with the fast last two. No matter; the last two days were probably short of 5 miles which I called them. Calves were good. I did a solid warmup drills/stretching, then some stretching drills after the run before doing 3x20 second strides, barefoot on the rugby field. First time doing any speed of any kind, and I think it went well. My calves are now sore all over again. So effin' pumped about training right now and raring to race. But I need to be patient. First track session on Thursday. Let's roll!
