Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:20 PM

4800 m


5:49 mi


62 F
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Good workout on one minute rests. Tried to keep calm and went out in 1:26, still a smidge fast but pretty much okay. 1:28 would have been better, but I made due. Went out in 1:24 for the second two reps, then brought it back on the second lap. I was never begging it to be over, but I did hurt a bit on the last rep. It was perhaps just over threshold pace. That's fine though, for the next sesh I'll try to do 5:55-6:00 pace and be quite controlled. Probably do 2x2 mile next week. Used the GPS watch on the track and it gave me .99 for the first rep, and 1.01 for the next two. It might be just a tad long on my runs. That's alright. Before the workout I did 2x100 meter strides, and afterwards I did 4x100 meter strides. First one afterwards was hard, but then I felt great and sprinted the last one. Trying to get the speed back. Pretty happy with the workout. Never take an ethereal fall day for granted.
