Bike: Race Previous Next


6:10 PM

9.5 mi


20.49 mi / hr

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i knew going in that i wasn't going to have the fastest bike split on the night. chris hancock was here with his huffy. seriously scary shit with his biking skills. he's also getting ready for timberman too. to help level the playing field i outfitted el diablo with shiny new zipp 909's (god, i love this sport). these are the wheels that scare the shit out of people as you go by (whoooooosh), and they also make you look badass even if it doesn't justify the cost per mph. i went out of T1 with a pack of riders including chris. chris was gone in a blink, leaving me to fight off three other riders. it took me about a mile and a half before i was able to overtake them, and like last week, on the church hill. timberman ride over the weekend really put hills into perspective for me. i eventually passed marli (she had one of the fastest swim splits on the night) and moved into 6th going into T2. bike time was only about 30 seconds faster than last week. so much for zipp wheels. i should have drank fluids on the bike considering the temps. cramps would eventually get me on the run. T2 time was only 6 seconds faster than last week. didn't have any issues with running sneakers this week. TO THE RUN!
