Bike: Race Previous Next


6:40 PM

9.5 mi


20.7 mi / hr

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fastest bike split on the night, and my fastest bike split so far after 4 TTT's. passed a couple of riders at the start, and then rode solo for pretty much the rest of it. fil was running around the lake, so he gave me the heads up on where i was overall. i thought he had originally told me i was in 4th, after the 1st loop, but i was actually in 5th, with patsy way out ahead because of her 3 minute lead on me after the swim. i finally caught sight of 4th, 3rd, and 2nd with a little more than a mile to go. i could tell they were all struggling over the final hills, so i cranked it hard on each of the final climbs. i finally caught all three of them on the last hill before the turn for the bike finish. i was a little surprised when i got into T2 and saw that there was already a bike racked, since i thought i was now in first based on fil's (mis)information. could it be someone who didn't do the bike? i didn't want to take any chances, so i was in and out of t2 in 31 secs. claire was trying to be funny and told me that patsy had a 3 minute lead on me. challenge accepted!
