Bike: Race Previous Next


7:20 PM

9.5 mi


20.47 mi / hr

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not exactly sure how my hammy would react to bike racing, but the pre-race warm up loop felt ok. I left t1 with nancy and we stayed together on the bike course for the entire 9.5 miles. we went back and forth and I couldn't shake her. i would pass her on the up hills and she would fly past me on the flats. we caught mark at some point and he hung with us for about 4 miles, all of us taking turns at the front. this was the first time i'd race with a "pack", so that was really interesting. nancy and i eventually managed to drop mark, but then joe came out of nowhere and caught us during the second loop. he went out ahead by about 30 yards, while nancy and i continued to exchange blows in the back. nancy and joe lost a little gas over the final mile and i was able to pass them both on the last hill before the turn for the finish. i (want) need to ride more hills to get even stronger on the bike. had the second fast bike split on the night, right behind joe by about 25 seconds, and only a little slower than the previous week. hammy felt fine and didn't really impact the bike.



tisk tisk tisk, Timberman has a penalty box, don't wanna see you in it, unless its for fighting with a swimmer or something