Bike: Race Previous Next


6:45 PM

9.7 mi


21.11 mi / hr

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finally figured out the multisport feature on the new garmin (just in time!) to get bike splits on this course. i was always curious if i was breaking 21mph on this course. i did tonight, but tonight's bike was also a pr. went back and forth with another biker throughout the <10 mile course. moved from 2nd to 3rd and back to 2nd by the end of the bike. love the thrill of bike racing! apparently, the 1st place biker was flying around on the course at 23-24mph, and eevn went off course by about half a mile! fil said that i was about 2 minutes behind him near the end of the bike. got through t2 in 30 secs and had about 2 minutes to make up on the run. let's see what these legs can do.
