Bike: Race Previous Next


6:45 PM

9.5 mi


20.77 mi / hr

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took much longer to get out of T1 because of the wetsuit (50s), and was once again alone on the bike course for most of it. oy. felt really sluggish and just told myself to relax and don't redline during the first loop. legs were still feeling heavy from 50k and gt5k, even though we got an extra day of rest this week before tri. this was going to be a mental test to stay in it throughout. didn't see any other biker until a mile to go. even had to stop at a stop sign because of a truck. passed 2nd place on last hill of bike. got into transition and was surprised to see that len was just heading out on the run. this bike ended up being my fastest bike split on the season. very surprised! spent 45s in t2.
