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14 mi


6:36 mi

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Ran 14 miles in 1:32:23.99 (6:36.0 min./mi.) Today's plan, 2 mi WU @ 7:20 min./mi., 10 mi Tempo @ 6:24 min./mi., 2 mi. CD @ 7:20 min./mi. Went with a plan to be well ahead of the desired pace by the eight-mile mark; when I hit eight miles in 49:47, I backed off and just cruised in the last two miles. Ended up being nearly 73 seconds ahead of the planned pace.

2 mi. WU: 7:22.19, 7:18.82

Tempo Splits: 6:09.79, 6:12.66, 6:10.22, 6:11.30, 6:14.78, 6:16.95, 6:17.50, 6:13.35, 6:30.05, 6:29.94 (1:02:46.54 - 6:16.7 min./mi.)

2 mi. CD: 7:30.34, 7:26.10
