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12 mi


6:40 mi

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Ran 12 miles in 1:19:55.34 (6:39.6 min./mi.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ MGP (6:36 min./mi.) Was in the great city of Boston today and got to run with the fastest attorney I know Joshua Jordan who is a 2:32 Boston marathoner. The legs felt fine, but a very tight lower back in the final three plus miles just wouldn't let me make up the lost time from earlier in the run; still very pleased with the run and the company.

Mile Splits: 6:40.55, 6:36.16, 6:39.36, 6:33.44, 6:29.40, 6:35.88, 6:39.41, 6:44.02, 6:41.14, 6:32.16, 6:41.33, 6:23.13
