Run: Easy Previous Next


16 mi


7:14 mi

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<No name>


Ran 16 miles in 1:55:39.75 (7:13.7 min./mi.) Today's plan, 16 miles @ 7:15 This run started out great, but not long after the twelve mile mark my lower back really started to tighten up; the last couple of miles I was just holding on to finish.

Mile Splits: 7:10.65, 7:05.33, 6:57.17, 6:58.65, 7:04.30, 7:02.55, 7:00.10, 6:52.44, 7:10.85, 7:08.89, 7:11.42, 7:15.20, 7:25.01, 7:24.44, 7:40.70, 8:12.05
