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13 mi


6:17 mi

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<No name>


Ran 13 miles in 1:21:35.26 (6:16.6 min./mi.) Today's plan, 13 miles @ MGP - 20 seconds per mile (6:16 min./mi.) Got well behind the plan the first three miles then slowly chipped away at the deficient the final ten miles to get back on pace. This run was near maximum effort, my HM pace is only a couple of seconds per mile faster than this run.

Mile Splits: 6:27.16, 6:22.23, 6:23.10, 6:16.03, 6:16.06, 6:12.40, 6:13.36, 6:10.51, 6:14.55, 6:15.89, 6:20.32, 6:19.65, 6:04.00
