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16 mi


6:43 mi

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<No name>


Ran 16 miles in 1:47:25.31 (6:42.8 min./mi.) Today's plan, 8/8 Recovery/Interval miles @ 7:20/6:00 min./mi. Probably didn't pick a good day weather wise to do this workout. Moderate to heavy rain throughout and a substantial head wind the first 6+ miles. Didn't quiet get the splits I was looking for, but still a pretty good workout.

Mile Splits: 7:19.65, 6:15.00, 7:21.62, 6:09.01, 7:22.14, 6:06.15, 7:24.80, 6:01.88, 7:24.22, 6:00.49, 7:23.67, 5:59.63, 7:25.00, 5:59.62, 7:16.40, 5:56.03
