Run: Tempo Previous Next


10.5 mi


7:05 mi


52 F
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rpe8. This is how I used to run all the time. Great run. As the week progressed, I had this workout circled. I started the week with more aches and pains then I have had all year...I went from injury free one week after my recovery to strained rt calf and strained left achilles in one day. If I could executed this run, then I felt like mentally I would take big step forward. And physically if I executed this workout with no pain, then that too would be a big step forward...I wore my compress sleve and felt that made a difference. I had a great run and feel good. It was the least painful run of the week. I barely felt my achilles and never felt my calf strain. The compress sleve really helped in my opinion...I have been feeling my left achilles on every run this week. But today I hardly noticed.

1st mile ~7:54 avg hr 126 max 133 hr. 1st 12 mins warm up. Then began 62:14 of tempo run at ~80% max HR. avg HR 147 max hr 158(not sure when I might have hit this max). 147 HR is ~81% of max hr. The 62 min tempo portion was sub 7min mile. Controlled run! Could have ran faster. I wish I had my Garmin. I would have liked to check out my mile splits...Just to know how much under 7min mile pace I was doing.
