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10:20 AM

77 mi


20.73 mi / hr


142 bpm
164 bpm


45 F
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rpe7-9. 1st intrvl 25miles was most difficult to do. Had an abnormal spike in HR. I might have pushed a bit too hard. I am not sure if that was one of those inaccurate HR's. Goal was to keep it between 135-140. The wind makes it difficult bc of the gusts. If it was simply a constant 30mph and not these gusts then it would be easier to maintain goal on 1st and 2nd intrvl. With that said, once I settle in I feel like I did ok on the 1st intvl. After the 1st intrvl, I was not looking forward to another 25 mile intrvl...I was already feeling ready to go for a run.

2nd intrvl goal was 140-145. I had less spikes than the 1st intrvl. Still difficult to keep HR between goal with the ebb and flow of the wind. But did a better job. Again, thinking how I was not looking forward to the next intrvl. Once again, ready to pack it in for the day. Just did not feel like I was not giving it the effort I am accustom to giving. Just going through the motions.

3rd intrvl. is usually very difficult but the easiest to execute. Goal was 145-150. If I felt like I could stay above 150 then go with how I felt. I did a pretty job of staying above 150 for sometime. This most likely explains why my HR avg on 3rd intrvl was 149(on the high end of my goal).

Overall I felt like I executed rather well. HR was difficult to maintain without spikes early on.. Nutrition was good 2.5 bottles of Infinit ~288 cals per bottle. ~4 gels 110 cals each. Total cals ~1160 for an avg intake of ~ 309 cals/hr. ~2.5-3 bottles of H2O.

Post one day after workout, my legs feel pretty good. A bit surprising actually.
