Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:58 AM

5.4 mi


8:01 mi


161 bpm
245 bpm


86 F
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SMU Track


hard effort. rpe 8-9. began with warmup as above mentioned. stretched. then began tempo. I felt in control early on but quickly realized that this was going to be a difficult tempo. I thought I should be able to run my tempos at an effort I could handle for 1 hr. But I quickly realized that this would not be the case. I was running using my VDOT of 52. In which my tempo pace should be around 6:38 per mile. I could not have ran this pace or effort for an hour. The way I had the intrvl set up on my watch I could not see splits. So I would do the time in my head. I noticed after the first .5 mile I was slightly behind my VDOT pace. So I slightly increased pace. After the first mile I had gained a few seconds back but was still remained above my VDOT pace of 6:38. I a slightly increased pace again for the final time. And I found myself on pace after the 2nd mile. The last mile hurt and I was efforting much more(rpe9) and breathng heavier. Ended up running 6:34 pace. I thought that was pretty good since I didnt check my watch but once after the first mile. Hereagain, I could not have held that effort/pace for an hr if I should indeed been able to hold this effort/pace for an hr. Need to read some more in order to ensure I executed this workout. Cooldown was as mentioned above with 3 strides. stretched.

This effort was a Tempo effort according to my VDOT of 52. Whereas last tuesday was an Intrval effort between a VDOT of 51-52.
