Run: Easy Previous Next


12:40 PM

6.4 mi


7:49 mi


138 bpm
157 bpm
  • Map



RPE7.5 Treadmill on lunch break. Always use 1.0 incline bc closer to replicating running outdoors on a flat surface.

mile 1 9:05 avg HR 122 max HR 134 1st mile wu

mile2 7:32 avg HR 141 max HR 146

mile3 7:20 avg HR 141 max HR 148

mile4 7:38 avg HR 141 max HR 145

mile5 7:43 avg HR 141 max HR 147

mile6 7:41 avg HR 143 max HR 157 I dont recall noticing the HR escalte this much...Must have been inaccurate spike associated with the data recorded.

last .4 miles 2:57 avg HR 143 max HR 145

Both Calves felt a light tight. Able to work through the tightness by slowing the pace over the first 3.5 miles. It took about that long before I could keep my HR around 140 without consistantly spiking to 145. Running late no stretching afterwards.

I am still a bit hesitant to do any tempo/fartlek/track like workout bc of the tightness in my calves. Primarily left calf....I am hoping to begin quality run next week. If long run on Sunday does well then I will begin quality runs again.
