Swim: Free Style Previous Next


7:00 PM

2700 yd


1:57 / 100yd

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rpe8. Workout was not as hard tonight. I came to practice feeling a bit fatigued..Alot on my mind...At times I felt like just getting out of the water. I had to fight with myself at times to keep going. warm up 500 8:13

main set 300 moderate: 4:25

12x50 on 60 secs. Swam all between 39-41 secs. Felt very controlled. It felt easy until the last 2-3 50's. This I felt good about

300 swim moderate : 4:20. Swam this 300 faster then the first. It felt more difficult then the first.

12x50 on 60 secs. I began to labor a bit. all completed between 39-41 secs. More of these were swam on 40's seconds each whereas the first set of 12 more were swam on 39 seconds. I labored a bit more on this set of 12.

50 recovery swim

300 swim moderate: 4:33. Although this was my slowest 300, I caught a small cramp in my foot and had to stop for a few seconds before completing the 300. So I can toss out this 300 time...I feel it would have been the fastest

50 recovery swim

300 of the night. Certainly faster then the 1st 300 swim.

Decided to call it a night instead of finishing with my long cooldown. I felt pretty good in the water tonight..
