Bike: Long Previous Next


7:13 AM

58.4 mi


22.12 mi / hr


140 bpm
252 bpm


69 F
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rpe 8-9. Drove out to Malloy Bridge Road. Did 3x18.5 mile intervals. Great execution. If doing 3x20 mile intrval I could have began at the Shell station that we always stop at when doing the holiday loop. Traffic is light but no shoulder. Roads are good. I felt fatigued and flat on the first interval. Even felt a little flat on the 2nd intrvl. But by the 3rd intrvl I felt like I did at IMAZ. I was going hard but it felt easy.

1st intrvl. HR data is inaccurate. I felt like I averaged around 130-132 HR. time 51:08. Road in control knowing that I would need this to warm up and prepare for the last 2 intrvls. Although it was not an easy warm up pace. I kept pressure on the pedals but ensured I road controlled. Began ride at about 68-69 degrees. Chilly at first but was comfortable all day.

2nd intrvl we turned around immediately w/o resupply. I took 1 bottle of infinite 288 cals. plus one water bottle. I had almost finished both bottles by the time the 2nd interval was completed. Road in control. HR data is correct. Avg HR was 138. I tryed to stay around 140. However, i felt I was slightly under. Very good execution on the 2nd lap. I still felt a bit fatigued or heavy legged. I felt the last intrvl was going to hurt.

Before 3rd intrvl/lap, we resupplied. I consumed ~125 cals of infinte plus a gel of 110 cals. Plus half a water bottle. All in all I consumed about 425 cals over the 2.5 hr ride. I could have comsumed more but I am training for Olympic race next weekend. So I am less concerned with calorie consumption. As long as I can consume some calories especially on the 3rd and hardest intrvl w/o GI distress I am pleased. BC I only take one gel on the bike in an Olympic event.

3rd intrvl I felt incredible. I have felt this good in a while. I recall feeling like this at IMAZ. Where I was riding hard but it felt easy...And that is what today felt like. I stayed within myself. I pushed hard but was in control. I never felt like I was above a 9. But it was an easy 9. Not sure that makes much sense. I felt my HR shows I was efforting close to 9, but my legs felt like they could ride like this for a while. I told myself not to push any harder. I still feel like it was slightly above Olympic effort. But real close to Olympic effort. Just felt great. HR avg was 149. Great excution on the 3rd intrvl. And great execution for the workout. BRICK to follow..
