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7:12 AM

74.3 mi


19.6 mi / hr


126 bpm
161 bpm


85 F
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rpe 7-8. Rolled out with 7:30 rbm ride. After warming up with rbm ride, I rolled off at I-20 so that I could get some steady tempo work at IM effort. Most of the ride was at IM effort. I felt really strong. I began to feel a little fatigue on the service road back in. Riding into a slight head wind. Took in 2 water bottles, 330 calories in gels. 645 cals in Infinit. Might have taken in more calories if I had not work a bit harder early on. If I would have ridden with the rbm guys then i would not have mixed 430 cals per bottle. You can not consume was many cals at harder efforts. So I started my nutrtion a bit late by 5-10 mins. as soon as I begin my steady state. I did take cals in but at a much slower rate bc of my effort with the rbm group and bc I mix my cals for a steady effort, not higher effort. total cal:975. Although I did go over my time, I feel good. Once again I felt strong today...
