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12:30 PM

8.2 mi


6:00 mi


My toughest leg of the relay. Got about 3 hours of sleep in the back of the van again and tried eating enough so I didn't feel terrible. Did get some coffee which did wonders mentally and tasted fantastic despite being pretty crappy coffee. Walking around Woodford Reserve at 9am and feeling completely exhausted I had a bad feeling for my next leg.

Started my leg around 12:30 - 1pm. The rain was steady the first few miles before turning into just a drizzle for the rest of my run. The wind got very cold making my run miserable towards the end. Passed 9 runners in the first few miles before having no one in site for the rest of my run. I thought for sure I had blown up and was running 6:45 pace, the rolling hills just never seemed to end, and I was running on fumes.

With a mile to go I tried calculating the pace I had been running, that proved to be impossible. Less than 8 hours of sleep over a 60 hour period and 19.1 miles turns the brain to mush when trying to do simple math. I was happy to be done and even more happy when I used the trusty smart phone to calculate I had held a 6:00 pace for my last leg.

Our team finished in 46 out of 316 teams, with a total time of 26:28:00 and an average pace of 7:57/mile.

Update - Looks like our team was penalized 2 hours for finishing ahead of our 90 minute projected time window.
