Run: Easy Previous Next


11:13 AM

4 mi


10:31 mi


158 bpm
189 bpm


65 F


4 / 10
7 / 10
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Riverway 4.0


Nice run, leaves on the ground, wind blowing in your face. WARM today! In the 60's - felt warmer to me.

Ran with Mugsy, he kept up just fine the whole way, teetered off a little bit towards the end, but then jumps right back into it - the energy level never ceases to amaze me.

Nice having a running partner (the dog) for these recovery runs when I'm not so concerned with pace or anything in particular, just trying to keep one foot in front of the other.

Run felt a little more "normal" than the 3 last week. Need to get at least 3 runs per week in, and have one of them be a long run. Thinking of starting long runs back up at 6 miles and adding a mile every [other] week? We'll see.

The Achilles tendon on my right ankle is still sore. It starts to feel achy anytime I engage in strenuous activity (ie: running) more than about 10 or 15 minutes. It also will start to ache if I've been walking for more than 30 or 40 minutes and when going up stairs. Good news is, I haven't really thought about it much from day to day over the last week which means it IS healing (I hope!).

Just continue to take it easy and pay close attention to how it feels, what makes it better/worse/etc.

Trying to find a triathlon for next year....!
