Run: Easy Previous Next


6:30 PM

8 mi


8:50 mi


152 lb
133 bpm
142 bpm
52 bpm


52 F
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Recovery run tonight in St. Albans from SAHS track. 8 mi 01:11 0

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Legs continued to be dead today, but still had the intentions of trying speed work tonight. Then i got a good idea that i would take Caleb(my 2yr old little boy) who has been really acting out and really blew the top off it at daycare today, and take him for a ride in the jogging stroller for my 3 mile WU tonight, which went fairly well but i still felt flat and really was'nt mentally prepared for speed work so i decided when Ramona picked him up at the track at almost 7 o'clock just to ditch the workout and listen to the body and give myself another recovery run tonight and maybe do the workout tomorrow night or Thursday. Last week was a new high mileage week plus 7 straight days of running, and a hard 18 miler on Sunday, and maybe even going over a little too much on the treadmill last night or just where my legs are not accustomed to treadmill training yet since it uses different muscles. Several possible factors that led to one conclusion, the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep it simple Shane(i got ya on that one did'nt I, u were thinking stupid and not Shane. But the previous has been applicable a time or two in my life. Anyway the HR kept low and by the end of this 8 mile run i was feeling a whole lot better than when i began. Caleb enjoyed his mile and a half with me to an extent. He is definitely like his daddy by his desire to run rather than ride! Boy does that make me feel good too. Will have to wait and see how i feel tomorrow.

10 minutes ago via Garmin
