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5:14 PM

9 mi


8:14 mi


153 lb
51 bpm


87 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Easy Run w/6 quarters in KC.

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I debated doing speedwork with the temps and humidity as high as they were at the beginning of this run, plus i was tired from a rough day at work to boot. I arrived late to UC and decided to just run easy and get some more recovery then plan on some speedwork later in the week. Then Tim Deer and Chris Kim(The Pain Clinic Docs) stopped right at the back of my vehicle as i was changing into my easy running shoes and asked if i was doing speed work and i told them i debated it w/the heat and humidity, and they were on their way back to his office to finish the run with some minutes speedwork to finish off the run. So they invited me to start out with them back up to the 35th street bridge, so i did and we started off at a brisk pace(one that i was'nt ready really to b jumping right into, but i went went with it anyway, because it was'nt way over my head. We talked a little about the Ironman Tri's they had been doing and about marathon's they had run and were going to run, and about my marathon in Columbus in October, and just had a good talk for almost the 1st mile. I debated on running over the bridge w/them, but decided to head into KC where there would b shade, because i would at least run longer, and they did'nt have too much further to go, and they were probably a lot faster on their speedwork than i would b at least at this point, but i thought it was pretty cool to have the invite, plus they invited me to run the CDR course the week following this Sunday,and i told them i would think about it, and thanked them for the invite. I just don't think i can keep up with their pace on that course at this point, but who knows. I have been known to do dummer things than attempt a task like that one. Once i started back to running after they headed across the bridge, i did a 2.50 mile WU(including strides on the last .50 of the WU then jumped into some quarters just to get some turnover and to recruit some of the fast twitch fibers that tend to go to sleep during marathon training, I debated 800's but it would have been too much in the conditions to keep a faster pace for the entire workout. I kept the recoveries for the most part at a quarter mile w/some walking and jogging. I thought i had done 6 which was plenty for the day to accomplish what i was looking for without accumulating too much fatigue, then i stopped and counted the quarters on the Garmin and realized i had only done 5 so i tacked on one last quarter near the end of the run to get the full 6 i wanted. Splits for the quarters were:1:45,1:44,1:43,1:47,1:43,and 1:41. These were not all out either, the one(1:47 was up a mild grade w/a pretty strong headwind, but the effort was the same as the others. I finished off the run w/a 2.25 CD to get 9 miles for this evening. I wanted 8 but the recovery CD felt so easy i thought why not go another mile. Overall good workout. I plan on either doing a tempo run later this week or maybe mile repeats to get more marathon specific speedwork in. Splits for the entire run:8:06,8:05,3:35(.50),1:45,2:17,1:44,2:36,1:43,2:10,1:47,2:14,1:43,2:33,4:28(.50),3:59(.50)4:12(.50),1:41(.25),19:13 CD(2.25)

7 minutes ago via Garmin
