Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 PM

3 mi


8:40 mi


154 lb
140 bpm
152 bpm


53 F
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UC/KC easy run on Pops Course

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First day back since Friday, after my knee and shin splints stopped the run after 2 miles, attempted to run again yesterday morning and the knee started hurting after about 20 to 30 yrds of running. So i iced my knee w/ice massage and the knee problem resolved only to have my hip start bothering me yesterday evening. So i stretched and hit the foam roller at lunch today and the hip felt better, so i thought i would go to KC and see how it went. So i started out w/the TTC and it actually felt pretty good as i went along, and i was able to pick the pace up each mile, even into the headwind on the way back. The hip was just a little uncomfortable during the run, but once i stopped the run and went to walk my left hip just throbbed and even had some numbness radiating down my left leg. The numbness subsided after about 20 minutes on my ride home, but the hip continued to throb. I will probably take tomorrow off to rest it and also ice it in the meantime and hopefully it will resolve with the ice and rest.

4 minutes ago via Garmin



I hope this issues goes away quickly for your Shane! It was great seeing you yesterday and once you get this cleared you have some nice racing ahead of you!


Thanks Jason. This is just a small setback that may have me coming back after the rest and recovery stronger than when i had the setback. I am looking for some strong efforts at the races i run this spring, summer and fall.