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6:53 PM

8 mi


8:15 mi


154 lb


75 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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P.M. Progression Run in KC

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Started this one late after going to my old lead PT at CAMC Memorial passed away this past Sunday morning after fighting Pulmonary Fibrosis/Interstitial Lung Disease the last 2 or 3 years, but it was an unexpected loss with a sudden change in her medical status. This has been an emotional test of patience and understanding the last 5 or 6 days since she went into the hospital. So i came into this run with difficulty getting my head and heart into run mode. I was thinking about just running an easy 6 to 8 miles and call it a day(a very long day), but i was open to running hard if things got a rolling along the way. It took forever to get into the rhythm(breathing and turnover wise) the humidity did not help either.When i finished it was 75 degrees and the humidity was 85% at 8pm. I ran the glass plant loop and even added on up to the interstate on MacCorkle Ave to c if that stretch could b runnable in the future, then turned back around at the 4 mile point to head back to UC. About a mile into the return the pace seemed to just effortlessly pickup so i did some dynamic stretches on Kanawha Ave and some drills then eased into an uptempo run(faster than i was running but on tired legs-which i have done in the past to get the body used to running faster on tired legs, like in the late stages of a marathon. I could tell i was working pretty hard but not exhaustingly hard to keep the pace at around 7:50ish so i set my goal to run the last 3 miles back to UC in the pace range of 7:50 to 7:55. It seemed like the pace should have been faster for the effort i was putting into the run. I would rate the perceived effort at about a 4/5. I also reminded myself that the return on Kanawaha Ave is a sustained mild grade increase on the way back(enough of a grade to make it hurt when your tired. I worked hard to concentrate on each mile and was able to accomplish my goal. Splits for the run:8:32,8:43,8:27,8:18,8:25,7:52,7:45,and 7:51. Really pleased with this run accompanied along with this morning's cutdown run on the treadmill.
