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1500 m


4:56 mi

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Conversion to 1600 for comparison to HS is 4:54.14 - making this the second or third fastest I have covered this distance (I did another 4:54 at Liberty Bell, don't remember the decimal). In total, just about 3 seconds slower than my HS League Champs 1600. Considering that my seed of 4:50 and goal of 4:39 (sub 5 pace), I am pretty happy with 4:35. I had sort of stupidly let myself think that 4:32.8 (1600 PR equivalent) was possible, so there is a little disappointment too, but not a lot. Considering that I was just guessing what I was capable of and what each part of the race was supposed to feel like and that I haven't run over 800m for almost 2 months, I can't really be too let down.

Race itself was pretty good. Got a little boxed right at the start and people were going slow, but Tim Ryan broke it open before the first turn and let me work up to the lead pack. I followed Tim and some Delhi guy for the first two laps and moved past Tim to try and go with the Delhi guy with about 800 to go. I started pushing as much as I could from 600, but my legs deserted me at 300 when Tim moved back in front. I tried again to kick with him at 200 (Delhi was long gone), but there really wasn't anything there. I found a tiny bit of speed with 40 to go to hold of the guys coming up behind me. Tim ended up beating me by about 3 seconds, but I am happy that I managed to make a race out of it.


*did a good job of getting out and taking the early opportunity to move up to the leaders.

*mostly smart moves - started to go a bit aggressively past the Union crowd on the third turn, but I caught myself and made a more gradual pass.

*That said, I should have made my pass on the straight before the corner they had already started slowing, I didn't recognize it fast enough

* Followed my race plan well - go with the leaders, don't get stuck, push at 600 to try and build a gap before the kicks

*Did not make the mistake of letting someone go. When I saw the gap, I immediately tried to close, it just wasn't there for me today. I can honestly say I gave it my best shot to go with everyone - much better than Continental Leagues where I let that one Rock Canyon go. I think I can (finally) put that mistake behind me now.

* Realistically could probably have took off 1-3 seconds with a stronger middle section, but that was lack of racing. Still ended up pretty close to what I think my body is capable of right now.

Injury report-

This one is gonna hurt. My back was ok for a while after the race (probably adrenaline and numbing from ice). Later on in the announcers booth, it started to hurt again - then sitting at Moe's with Rob, Paul, Jarrett and Tim it started to get pretty painful, and now laying down typing I can still feel it pretty bad. We will find out tomorrow the extent of the damage (by if I can get out of bed).
