Run: Easy Previous Next


4:54 PM

5 mi


10:13 mi


139 bpm
154 bpm


63 F
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So .... first 4 miles....yay! My leg felt pretty much normal! Then a little bit into the last mile, I took one step and felt a pain in my leg, and then the rest of the mile didnt feel good. Meh! I'm trying not to let it get to me. I was feeling so encouraged by how good I felt the first 4.

I iced it for about 15 mins when I got home, and am sitting on ice again now as we speak. I did my exercises after dinner, and it felt ok during that. I guess I'll just keep plugging away - I feel like the exercises are helping. And I guess setbacks should be expected. I just wish this leg would heal up as fast as the other one did when I had this problem. Last time I had a few bad days, but then I only had a week or so where it felt kinda tight then it was fine. This leg seems to be taking a lot longer. Although--- to that effect, I was telling Rob that I feel like going to see Jayne last week might not have been the greatest thing for it. She dug into it big time for an hour and my leg felt more sore after that. (not that she did anything wrong, just might have been too much for it at the time, bad decision on my part. And then I attempted speedwork on it right after that. So some of my decisions may have been exacerbating the situation.
