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30.2 mi


14.2 mi / hr

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Pretty fun ride with Dad today. Initially couldn't get onto my large sprocket which was super annoying but Dad moved it manually. This was a moderately challenging ride on the way out because it was rolling uphill the whole way, and then climbing Wachusett itself was REAL hard but satisfying. There was one climb that was just brutal. Flew down though and the way back was EZ. Took 74 minutes to get to the summit and less than 45 to get back to the rail trail. Dad got a flat but I didn't realize so I went back to find him figuring something had happened, so I got in almost 2.5 extra miles.

As usual, getting on the bike after a long time off feels pretty unfamiliar but I get in the groove after a while, maybe 30-40 minutes. This makes me want to do more riding. In light of my ankle, maybe I should just start cross training once a day every week? This goes against what I would prefer to do but would probably go a long way in keeping me rested and healthy. Fuck I'm annoyed about this ankle thing I can't help it.
