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Rode on the stationary bike at the Greendale YMCA. The seats are all super wide which is annoying, and they're all the "casual trainer" style rather than the good ones that WPI had a few of. Ugh oh well I'll get on. Oh wow 3 minutes in I'm super hot and can't cool off and forgot my water bottle. Wow I remember how this really sucks. 6x (2x 30s on/3s off 60s on /60s off) at Daniels R effort. I guess this is something, honestly it was fairly tough my quads were burning and I did end up sweating a ton. Couldn't make it through the 15 minute cooldown and called it around 12. Ugh I think I'll probably be doing more of this. I need to get in the pool too probably, if for no other reason than to break up the monotony. Fuck this is annoying I think I'm actually doing it right but it sucks.
