Run: Easy Previous Next


7.3 mi


7:22 mi


Kyle and I transcended social distancing by running while on the phone using bluetooth earbuds. This was super fun and the run flew by, and a great way to catch up. We agreed we would definitely do this again, and maybe do some kind of conference call with some other dudes.

I ran a little more than I planned today just to keep it going while Kyle was running, and it was nice to run a loop I hadn't done since September or earlier. Legs felt fairly tired, especially going up the hill in the middle, but not sore or really bad in any other way. Also I way overdressed for the run and had to stop and roll my sleeves up in the middle because I was cooking myself. Between this being a Friday, rainy, and overdressed, I ended up pretty comfortable toward the end running about 7 minute pace.

I did 6 strides because I'm feeling guilty for not doing them lately. Teddy is killing the stride game and reminding me to do them, thanks Strava.
